Transkona í vanda

Yndisleg Gleðigangan í dag, var að enda við að horfa á fréttir og mikið voru kórfélagar mínir fallegir með skiltin sín, sól og blíða og nýi forsetinn okkar flottur með sinn boðskap. Auðvitað erum við öll hinsegin og eigum að vera stolt af því, hvert á sinn hátt. En svo kíkti ég á tölvupóstinn minn og þar voru sláandi fréttir af Chelsea Manning. Chelsea gekk áður undir nafninu Bradley Manning og þeir sem muna eftir myndbandinu þar sem bandarískir hermenn skjóta úr þyrlu á óbreytta borgara á götu í Írak og var frumsýnt af Birgittu Jónsdóttur og vinum hennar í Wikileaks. Chelsea stendur frammi fyrir 30 árum í einangrun fyrir það eitt að hafa reynt sjálfsvíg í varðhaldinu. Sem setur orð hennar Uglu í fréttunum í kvöld í nýtt samhengi. 

Iraq War whistleblower Chelsea Manning is facing up to 30 years of solitary confinement as punishment for—believe it or not—attempting suicide. Will you chip in to Chelsea's legal team and our campaign to stop this inhumane treatment? I'll donate

Dear Margret Birna, On July 5, after years of appalling mistreatment as a transgender woman in an all-male military prison, Iraq War whistleblower Chelsea Manning attempted suicide in her cell at Fort Leavenworth.

Chelsea has been denied access to medical care.1

She's even been denied access to her own lawyers.2

Now, believe it or not, the U.S. military is trying to punish her for her suicide attempt with up to 30 years in solitary confinement.3

Chelsea's legal team has asked for help with the cost of her ongoing defense. Will you chip in for her defense and our work drawing in public attention to her case? Yes, I'll chip in to help defend Chelsea Manning.

Let's be clear. Chelsea is enduring these abuses for one reason: because she exposed the truth about war crimes committed by the U.S. military during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. She uncovered video of an Apache helicopter firing on unarmed civilians, including a Reuters journalist and those attempting to transport the wounded.4

She revealed how the American people were being lied to over and over. She did the world an enormous service—and is now facing decades of mistreatment so severe that it meets the U.N.'s definition of torture. Last year, when Chelsea was threatened with solitary confinement as punishment for being caught with a magazine and an expired tube of toothpaste in her cell, our members rallied to her defense. Now Chelsea's legal team says they need $80,000 to defend her against these new charges. If you chip in today, we'll send half of your donation directly to Chelsea Manning's defense fund and use the other half to power our ongoing public campaign to draw attention to the abuses she's facing. Will you chip in to support our campaign and help Chelsea's legal team fight to defend her?

Thanks for standing with us, David Segal and the team at



1. Government continues to deny Manning access to health care, American Civil Liberties Union, July 28, 2016

2. Chelsea Manning cut off from lawyers amid hospitalization rumors, The Guardian, July 6, 2016

3. Chelsea Manning, on facing life in solitary after attempting suicide, Boing Boing, August 1, 2016

4. Collateral Murder, Wikileaks, April 5, 2010

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Margrét Birna Auðunsdóttir
Margrét Birna Auðunsdóttir

Konukind í leit að framtíð. Hef endalausa þörf fyrir að tjá mig og þess vegna dugir ekki eitt blogg. Annað er opið öllum en hitt er alveg prívat. Það er alveg bráðnauðsynlegt að eiga sér leyndarmál, helst mörg...


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